Monday, August 16, 2010

My love afair with alts.

They also all have "THAT RETARDED HORSE"

Its no secret. I'm an altoholic . Just recently I've been working on my vanilla rogue. I've joined a horde guild on Scilla called Vanillaclysm.I've been having tons of fun farming and doing all those old quests.  The battle for Darrowshire has always been one of my faves. It took me around 26-27 Headmaster Gandling kills to complete my shadowcraft set. I'm slowly starting to upgrade it because Darkmantle looks awesome. I've also been leveling a hunter pvping mostly. I know hunters in low level BGs are 100% unfair, but come on you have to admit its fun as hell! My friend Geoff  also rolled a hunter. Focus fire plus two hunters = dead players. We're up to level 37  after around 2 days played which isn't bad considering the small amount of questing we've done. I really really really REALLY wish Blizzard would increase the amount of experience gains in battlegrounds, or make it so you get small amounts of experience for killing players in BGs. Warhammer did this really well. That is one of the very few things I liked about that game. The lore was great and the leveling via RVR combat was fun even if it was a grind.( RVR = Realm Vs Realm combat for those who don't know). Geoff and I have a fun game we like to play in BGs. Anyone who is on  "That Retarded Horse" is an automatic kill on sight. You would be amazed at how many times they die before they figure it out. We had a Retardin Pally who finally stopped using his after around 20 deaths or so. We've decided we are going to make the hunters 80 and just BG on them until Cata comes out. My question is: "What's the most fun/best way to spec a hunter for pvp?" Leave me a comment or share your alts with me! 



  1. Haha, Yeah its become a very fun game to play. :P

  2. Go beast master, team up with an enhance shaman and just global players.

  3. I was thinking Beast master would be a lot of fun. I'm survival now for BG's. I love Scatter Shot ^^
