Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What a long strange afk its been.

I've been away for a while. I took a much needed afk from WoW, but not entirely. I've been playing Cataclysm Beta. Yes that's right I'M IN THE BETA! First off let me just say this. All those videos, screenshots and articles do not do justice to how awesome Cataclysm actually is. The game feels like a brand new one. From the first steps on the ship to Vashj'ir to the epic dive into deep holm almost every plot quest is voiced. You end up getting fully immersed in the game and that's a good thing. Sure there are bugs, crashes and unfinished content, but the stuff that is done is amazing. 

My worgen practicing his ventriloquist act.

Currently beta allows you to faction, race, sex and name change your toons at random. I assume blizzard is just testing features. I took full advantage of this. I've been having issues getting my actual priest copied over to the beta servers so I grabbed a premade priest and dove headfirst into healing and questing. Lets start off with Vashj'ir. I was worried about a fully underwater zone.  Everyone hates underwater quests, and if you say you don't YOU ARE IN DENIAL! The boat ride over to Vashj'ir was awesome. All the NPC's were fully voiced, and the voice acting was actually good. I was mind-blown. 

If its red its dead.
 RELEASE THE KRAKEN!! Ahem, Sorry it had to be done. Anyways, That can't be good.

Even in death female goblins are adorable.

The Kraken sinks your ship and as you drown the Naga try to gank you like a lvl 80 rogue keyboard turning his way to victory. A friendly earthen ring member comes to your rescue and your first questing hub is a sunken ship. The very first quest you receive is called "Sea Legs". The reward is a buff that increases your swim speed by 60% and allows you to breath underwater. While on the bottom of the ocean you run at what seems to be 70-80% run speed. There is no need to be worried about an underwater zone. This zone so far is nothing short of amazing.

Mr. Crabs and I.

Now, On to priest stuff. Disc is really fun for leveling so far. The mobs in Vashj'ir starting area are level 80-81 so things died fairly quickly. It's hard to judge from this small amount of experience but things are smooth. In case you were wondering I'm in full questing greens and 2 blue items. I have 89k HP, 65k Mana, and 3700ish sp. I'm really liking disc a lot. The archangel talent is a lot of fun and you know priests needed more wings graphics. That is all for now folks. I'll be posting more as I progress through Vashj'ir and other areas, but before I go. I just wanted to make sure you know how awesome the goblin mount is. Also I've added all these screenshots and more over in the screenshot section in higher res. Take a look!

Time is money friend.

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