4.0.1 hit yesterday. The tears on forums and in-game have been flowing like the southfury river. I have to agree with some of the people complaining though. I played around with shadow in beta and while I was pulling some impressive numbers I knew it was too good to be true. The ability to spam shadow word death is far too much fun to resist. I also played around with tanking on my paladin. It was a huge change. Pally tanking is nothing like it used to be. We've gone through two expansion with it being the same basic rotation and its a hard habit to break. I haven't touched my warlock since the patch hit and frankly I just have no desire too. The same goes for my shaman. I do miss playing her but it sorta broke my heart when I leveled her to 80 and took off all her T6. Oh how I miss my lighting ninja shaman! LONG LIVE BRAIN HEAL! Ahm, Sorry I got a little carried away there back to the actual point. Something that people are failing to realize is that numbers aren't actually balanced around level 80 game play right now. Blizzard has already stated that numbers won't be "right" until we've leveled to 85. I mean people are going so far as saying "I'm unsubscribing this sucks so bad its horrible I don't do any damage" and so on. While I agree that Melee dps is a bit under tuned right now but you can't just give up. I'd see it as more of a challenge personally. I mean get out there and hit that target dummy and run World of Logs to record your dps. Don't just sit there and bitch about change hit it head on!
With the release of 4.0.1 we got the early start of the Cataclysm event. Earthquakes can be felt all over Azeroth. There are faint whispers among the citizens in Azeroth that there is a cult causing all the earthquakes. If you pay a visit to Grommash Hold in Orgimmar you'll see the leaders of the horde having a meeting about all the stuff that's going on. Now, if you know anything about the events that are about to take place then you already know what I'm about to post. If not then you are in for some serious SPOILERS. LEAVE IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO KEEP READING!
Alright, if you're still here then lets get down to the good stuff. Here's a chat log of the entire meeting.
As you can see above this is the early onset of the conflict between Vol'jin and Garrosh. I personally dislike the fact as horde we have Garrosh in Thrall's place. Through questing in the newly revamped old world he does tend to grow on you however. There is a huge debate about this very thing over on MMO-Champion and its being beaten into the ground. It may turn out that he's exactly what the Horde needs in the troubles ahead. I just don't agree with it. Cataclysm is bringing some HUGE changes lore wise and I'm excited to see them beyond what is in beta at the moment. The whole questing line in Mount Hyjal was a huge loregasm. I won't spoil that for you, but if you really wish to know you can head over to MMOC to scope it out. I think that's it for now. Sorry if this update has been bit random. I'm just in a random mood I guess. Remember CHANGE IS GOOD! Embrace it!
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