Saturday, October 2, 2010

Group Etiquette 101

Picture it: You log into to do your daily random heroic and prepare for raids. You're random queue pops up and you enter the instance. 

Things seem to be going to just fine until the group manages to wipe.  You release and start the run back to the instance and one of the DPS decides to say something.

[Random Gearscore Natzi: ] Wow, did we really just wipe in (insert random faceroll WOTLK heroic here). You guys are terrible! HOW DO YOU WIPE IN A HEROIC WITH A 56554633887464 GS!!!??!

[Tank:] I didnt get any healz so I died.


[Afk Healer:] Sorry lulz dog on fire lulz.

[Gearscore Natzi:] wow rly healer? You should just go kill yourself because you dont deserve to live or play wow. Fin blizzard and they're walfare lewtz.

[Calm DPS Guy:] Do you really need to be rude? We wiped get over it. Stuff happens. Lets just regroup and finish the heroic. 

[Natzi:] You know what you guys are so f'in fail. Have fun with your shitty gear and shitty heroic I dont have time for this shit.

Natzi has left the group. 

This is a common scenario when dealing with people via the random dungeon finder. What should you do when you encounter people through the RDF? 

The WoW community as a whole has long since gone downhill. People are rude, crude and plain old mean. I know,I know its the internet blah blah blah. I always try to be the friendly open nice person when doing randoms. I mean you wouldn't walk up to a stranger on the street and look down your nose upon them because they don't have the same clothes as you do etc. Here is an easy way to deal with people through the RDF.

DO: Be nice. Remember the old saying? "If you don't have anything nice to say. Don't say anything.

Don't: Don't be that guy. You know that guy. They guy who tries to ninja pull an entire instance and then ditch the group. This is just childish and 90% of the time it doesn't work.

Don't: Don't get upset when you wipe once or twice. Pay attention to whats going on and find the reason why you are wiping. Is the healer afk? Did the hunters pet aggro 3 extra trash pulls? Pin point the issue and work to fix it.  

DO: Buff. If your class can buff do it. If your a mage drop a table. If your a Warlock Soulstone the healer and drop a Soulwell. These things can save a wipe. If you are a Paladin buff!

DO: If you are a pet class turn your pet off of agressive. Growl off if you are a hunter. Pets can sometimes the cause of wipes. 

Don't: Don't judge a book by its cover. Who cares if the tank is in blues? You were once undergeared and had to do heroics to gear up. 

Don't: Don't rush the tank. One of my pet peeves as a tank or healer is a DPS class spamming "GO GO JUST GO ALREADY GO GO GO" in chat. Relax. If you want to carry the pace of the instance roll a tank. 

DO: Watch your aggro. If you notice the tank is undergeared or the healer pay attention. 

Don't: Don't take long afks. Things come up at the worse time its understandable but try to take your afks before you join the group/raid.

DO: Chat with people and be openminded. You'd be surprised at the amount of nice people you can meet in the RDF.

Don't: Don't roll need on everything you can use just to vendor it. Yes its probably worthless to most people but you never know if someone in the group actually needs it.

Don't: If you are a tank don't just charge into every pull without paying attention to the healers mana. Some undergeared healers still have mana issues in heroics.  

DO: If you are a rogue/hunter misdirect the tank or tricks him. 

Don't: Healers Please don't afk without saying a word. Type out "Afk" or  "Just a sec"

Don't: Don't always click accept on the Vote to Kick. Ask why we are kicking the person if it isn't clear. Ask questions. 90% of the time the person doesn't deserve to be kicked.

DO: Vote to kick people who are afk for longer than 5 mins.More than 5mins is an unreasonable time to afk in an instance/raid.

DO: Be helpful. Is the tank not holding aggro? Did he forget frost presence? Righteous Fury? Is the hunters pet on agressive? speak up but be nice about it.

Don't: Don't be rude to people who don't know what they are doing. Remember there are people who are new to WoW. 

DO: Have fun. Remember its a game and its meant for enjoyment. 

I'm sure I've forgotten some things but these are just basics. Cataclysm will soon be out and things will change. Raids and Dungeons won't be as easy as they are in WOTLK. Don't give up when you wipe. Always remember this song when you judge people for being a "noob".