Friday, November 19, 2010

Guide to Healing Cata instances through the Random Dungeon Finder Part 2

Yes folks it's that time again! Time to take a trip back through the Random Dungeon Finder and see what bosses await us in Cataclysm! Now on with the show!

The Stonecore: Deepholm
Level Range:82-84
Bosses: Corborus,Slabhide,Ozruk,High Priestess Azil, THE FIRST PULL OF THE FUCKING INSTANCE. 

The First Pull: Once you zone into The Stonecore you are greeted by a 6 pull and your favorite gnome mage of all time. Milhouse Manastorm! So you buff up and the tank marks CC targets. However you have no CC just 3 DK's a Warrior tank and you a <insert healing class here> (disregard this if you are a shaman healer) Once the marks are out and the tank calls for CC he charges in full blast and starts to do his tanking thing. Everyone starts taking damage because they are all attacking a different targets and AoEing. Wipe and start over. This trash pack has two mobs called "Earthcallers" these earthcallers need to be CC'd or killed ASAP otherwise they summon large earth elementals who stand in place and do large amounts of AoE damage. If you lack the CC to control them then you need to have your DPS interrupt their summon spell. After wiping to the first pull the tank blames you and leaves. You leave as well and try again. You manage to finally get into a group who makes it past the first pull. Yay!   /facepalm

 Corborus: Alright! Boss time. This boss has two abilities. The first one is called Crystal Barrage. She will randomly focus cast it on a party member. You should move out of this as fast as possible. Sadly however that mage just stood there spamming arcane blast and took it to the face. (Sigh) The second ability is Dampening Wave which deals a small amount of shadow damage to all enemies within 60 yards and those afflicted (everyone) will absorb up to 4k healing. This isn't a large issue unless your DPS doesn't move away from the barrage. Lucky for you the DPS like to stand in things so they are making you work for it. The debuff is a magical one so its easy to dispell or just flat out heal through. Her other phase she burrows into the ground like Anub'arak and summons waves of small tiny crystal spiders. These are easy to AoE down as they have little health. Avoid the dust clouds she leaves while burrowing. Rinse and Repeat and you are good.

Slabhide: This boss is so easy a caveman can do it! Ahem, Sorry I had to. Anyways, This boss has two abilities as well. First off the dragon spawns lava on the ground. Dps WILL stand in this so prepare for that. The second ability is a falling rock type of thing. Shadows will appear on the ground don't stand in them its as simple as that. Again DPS will stand in this so prepare for them to QQ when they die.

Ozruk: This boss has some fun stuff to make a healers life a living nightmare. This boss needs to be tanked up against a wall. He has a knockback so have your tank pull him into the hallway and have the tank put his back against the wall. He also has a charging ground slam that does cone damage in front of the boss so just run through him when he does this. Oh look the rogue died because he was dpsing from the front. He also has a small spell reflect (20%), but its nothing major so the casters can keep on facerolling. This boss drops a nice caster trinket! Good Luck!

High Priestess Azil: This boss is a Dark Jedi (Sith). Force Choke, A light saber and lighting. Sound bad ass right? Well. WRONG. Once you engage this boss she will constantly summon waves of adds. These adds have very low health and die very easily. Oh whats that black circle the tank is standing in? Yep VOID ZONES! Looks like the tank just herp derped his way to the gy. Once you get back and buff back up you start again after avoiding the Void Zones you make it to her phase. She starts to throw rocks at you. These are easy to avoid so don't stand in the shadows. She will randomly force choke someone its fairly easy to heal through. This boss drops a nice healing trinket which a warlock will probably roll on. 

First pull of Doom
Vortex Pinnacle: Skywall, Uldum
 Level Range: 82-84
Bosses: Grand Vizier Ertan, Altarius,Asaad
Sidenote: This instance is beautiful. One of the best ones in WoW. (IMO)

 Grand Vizier Ertan: When the boss is pulled he spawns whirlwinds around the room. Some of them spawn on top of him and around the room. These cause damage and slow you if you stand in them. The best way to deal with these is to group on the boss. It looks like that Huntard wants to stand at 40 yards so he's probably dead.  Every 40 seconds he shifts and the whirlwinds and the shift to the boss. The best way to deal with this is to run out. You can heal through it but its the RDF so run out.

Altarius: This is a dragon boss so don't stand in front of the boss or die like that DK just did to the breath attack. This boss is very simple. There are winds around the boss and when they shift you get a buff. Stand downwind of the winds, get buff, kill boss. Simple Simple Simple.

Asaad: This is a simple tank a spank fight. (Get the hint that this instance is fairly simple?) This boss has 1 ability. He will cast a spell called "Unstable Grounding Field" Once the are of effect is up EVERYONE even the tank must stand inside of it before he finished casting his second spell "Supremacy of the Storm". That's all there is to it. Overall this instance is really easy and very quick. 

Ooo Pretty Colors 

Lost City of the Tol'vir: Vir'naal River Delta, Uldum
Level Range: 85
Bosses: General Husam, High Prophet Barim, Lockmaw, Siamat

General Husam: Tank and Spank fight. This boss randomly spawns glowing discs on the ground and when you stand on them they explode for medium damage and knocking back players within 10 yards of you. People will stand on these so prepare for that. He also randomly sends shockwaves in 4 directions. (These look like dust clouds) Don't stand in them they do a large amount of damage and knockback as well. 

High Prophet Barim: The first boss was trolling you. This instance isn't easy. This boss hits tanks really hard. He periodically gains a buff called "Fifty Lashes" Used your healing cool downs because god forbid the tank pushes his damn buttons. (If you have a Tank by the name of "Nethres" then just leave the instance and re-queue). He will randomly summon a beam of light on a random target don't stand in it. At 50% he starts to cast " Repentance" this pulls all players to him and stuns them for 5 seconds. Once you are no longer stunned you are now in the spirit world (Yeah I know wtf raid boss abilities) Barim is immune to all attacks while in this phase, but you better believe that shadow priest is gonna try his best to kill him! A mob will spawn while in the spirit world called "Harbinger of Darkness" The tank needs to pick this up ASAP. Avoid the "Hallowed Ground" effect and kill the add. Once the add dies phase 1 repeats until the boss is dead.

Lockmaw: This boss spawns with a little pygmy named "Augh". Augh doesn't need to be tanked. He randomly casts a debuff on a player called "Scent of Blood" this will spawn 4 adds who will focus target the player with the debuff. The tank can taunt the small adds to get them off the player or you can AoE them down. They deal a decent amount of damage.  Augh will randomly cast wirlwind. The tank should taunt him but since he probably wont you need to kite him. At 30% Lowmaw enrages so if you have a way to remove the enrage do it. Otherwise use your healing CDs on the tank because he won't use his.

Siamat: My god this boss is BRUTAL. I honestly don't even know where to begin. Once you engage the boss he spawn storm clouds. You should avoid these as best you can. Shortly after the pull the boss cast a buff called "Deflecting Winds" on himself. The buff makes its so he takes 90% less damage. He will stand in the center of the room in this phase and randomly cast lighting bolts at people. He doe not need to be tanked during this phase. Throughout the phase he spawns adds that need to be burned down. The smaller ones will kill themselves over time so focus on the bigger adds. After killing a few adds the boss will cast "Wailing Winds" this will send all players flying around and cause medium aoe damage. During this last phase the boss MUST be burned down before the healer becomes overwhelmed by the aoe damage. Also during the last phase he will continue to spawn small adds these should be ignored. You will wipe to this boss A LOT. Siamat is fairly hard to heal even with a decent group because of the amount of damage he throws out. Good Luck with this one. You'll need it.

Siamat feeds on your tears.

That's all I have for now folks. Look out for Part 3 sometime this weekend. Don't want to go through the pain of using the Random Dungeon Finder in Cataclysm? I would suggest joining /creating a guild. Being in a guild will play a major role in Cataclysm. Well it's time for this old girl to go to bed. Have a great weekend! Don't forget Harry Potter this weekend!!!!!

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